Director: AB/CD/CD
Music by Factory Floor (real love)
DoP: Nicolas Loir
Edited by AB/CD/CD and Nicolas Larrouquere
Color grading : Dtouch
Cast in order of appearance :
Sydney Valette, Lubna PLayoust, Mia Hinz, José Fontao, Ombline Gilliot, Zoë Le Ber, Mélodie Saba, Laurent David, Arnaud Boutin, Mary Clerté, Malika Djardi, Louise Hémon, Iris Brey, Alix Billois, CAmille DAuteuille, Bruno Salamone, Clément Dozier

Very special thanks goes to :
Mary Clerté and her family,
Arthur Cantin, Damien Ropero, Emiliano Serantoni, Thomas Tyman, Gopal Puntos, Georges Bermann
Prod co: Partizan

“Christian Marclay, Bruce Nauman and Michael Haneke inspired today’s short from AB/CD/CD”

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